

payment from the debtor easily. Create the receipt and send email to the customer immediately.


Additional Features

  • Generate document(Running Number) by setting the payment document number.
  • Identify the customer or debtor to begin creating payment documents.
  • ดึRetrieves a credit sales non-stock extend documents, credit sale Documents ,Receivable Debt ReductionDocuments that Customers choosed to reference in the billing.
  • Select the deposit option filtering based on customers who have multiple blades for cutting the deposit out of the total amount for payment.
  • Record the payment from credit cards, checks and cash, money transfer, other forms of payment, such as other costs, fees, etc.
  • บัSave the data withholding tax in the process of getting paid by the specified amount and the rate of withholding tax to prepare their reports were hard at expenses.
  • Payment amounts can be specified with include all money. If the documents have not been taxed. The system retrieves the tax figured to calculate and Post the actual Vatautomatically.
  • To preview the form before the payment record for verification first.
  • The form can be printed or downloaded as pdf files or payment,select send e-mail attachments to clients or others involved from the system immediately.
  • Save notes and attach files to save additional information.


  • Payment reports
  • The card receivables reports .
  • Analyzed the age of accounts receivable reports
  • Credit limit check reports.
  • The outstanding tax invoice reports

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