Update to add or reduce product

Update to add or reduce product

Increase or decrease the product correctly according to the warehouse. Stock updates, directly to the trading process can retrieve the number of stock correctly.

Update to add or reduce product

Additional Features

  • Generate document (Running Number) based on the setup of the document updates the item reduction.
  • Identify responsible departments of the responsible for the record to update, to increase or decrease the item.
  • Search a product enhancement certificate to reduce or increases by the document number, amount of money ,the responsible person.
  • The number of items can be recorded. In order to improve efficiency, reduce inventory, make the inventory in the system equal to the inventory, and prevent the shortage of inventory.
  • Can assign the warehouse and storage product improvements reduce the item.
  • Show archives and storage on the warehouse and storage automation. You can set up a warehouse and storage products on display. All product and To save time on your warehousing and storage redundancy.
  • There are negative products when it decrease. In the case that the item prohibits negative or alert when an item is negative, so the user know before recording.
  • Specify the cost of the item. When adding items to prepare to use in calculating cost analysis later.
  • When adding items, the system will improve with stock items immediately can see updates inventory thachakraingan.
  • To preview the form updates items before you save the document with print. Download the document and send the documents quote via email.
  • Can copy a document in order to shorten the time to fill out the same information.


  • Improve product increase-reduction reports (Item Journal)
  • Goods and materials report
  • Summarizes the movement of goods report.
  • Inventory status report
  • Inventory reports by product code
  • Inventory reports

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