How to order and pay

How to order and pay

How to order and pay

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Bank Account Transfer

Bank Account Transfer and inform evidence of Transfer of Funds to

Bank remittance

Bank remittance and after the payment is complete. Inform evidence of payment via e-mail The officer will check and take action quickly.

SCB Bank > Siam Commercial (Mee Chok branch)

Bank account number 843-215902-5

Account NameProsoft CRM Limited.

Savings account

SCB Bank > Siam Commercial (Mee Chok branch)

Bank account number


Account Name

Prosoft CRM Limited.

Savingsa ccount

  • Please check your account number before transferring funds. We do not accept another bank account transfers.
  • In the case of Legal entity, taxpayers pay 3% for the services.
  • Payment of the bank fee that is not included in the fund transfer. Customer please pay for fee.
  • For the first time service Please send us a certificate of first page with the receipt/Tax invoice address.

Withholding taxes .

You can withholding taxes. at source at a 3% fee.

By the withholding tax at source on behalf of Prosoft CRM Limited Taxpayer Identification Number. 0505557001854
287 Moo 5, Sai Noi Sai district, Chiang Mai 50210 zip code.

Please send withholding taxes certificate at the company address. The company will submit tax returns and receipts received after receiving a certificate of withholding taxes .

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